LIGHT• 2029
Creatures: responsive objects

Creatures: UP gesture = triggers a routine with warm colors

Creatures: gesture nº ONE: activates only the largest object with specific rhythm and colors

Creatures: color transitions

Creatures: DOWN gesture = triggers a routine with cool oceanic colors

Creatures color transitions

Creatures: to the RIGHT counterintuitive feedback results in pure reds in all objects

Creatures: color transitions for RIGHT

bailarina | Dancer

bailarina | Dancer - transitions

Openning night



Animal | Bicho

Animal | Bicho

Animal | Bicho

Creatures: ocean colors




gestures that triggers the routines
Exposição LUZ• [Espaço 1338, São Paulo/SP - 2019]
Criaturas | Sandra Kaffka
Criaturas | Sandra Kaffka
Livremente inspirados em organismos bioluminescentes marinhos, os objetos lumínicos desta instalação artística foram modelados a mão com uma caneta digital 3D e filamento biodegradável PLA. Exibidos sobre suportes modulares que remetem à batimetria dos oceanos ou pendurado no espaço, os objetos-bicho se assemelham a criaturas estranhas. Com formas orgânicas parecem reagir ao espectador, ao exibir respostas luminosas e sonoras geradoras de diferentes atmosferas que simulam diálogos entre corpo/gesto-obra. A experiência inclusiva e intuitiva é possível com uma interface cognitiva que, sem evidenciar regras, convida ao mergulho em um ambiente que se transforma pela luz, sons e, principalmente, pela participação do público.
Obras apresentadas pela artista:"Criaturas" e "Bailarina" são obras responsivas criadas com fontes LED rgb e sensores especializados em gestos."Bicho" é uma obra estática cuja fonte de luz é um fio eletroluminescente (EL).
Artistas: Sandra Kaffka, Fernando Tucunduva e Bruno Gallerani.
Curadoria: Maurício DePaula
Artistas: Sandra Kaffka, Fernando Tucunduva e Bruno Gallerani.
Curadoria: Maurício DePaula
Criação: Sandra Kaffka
Consultoria em tecnologia: Gabriel Kaffka e João Flesch Fortes
Programação: Gabriel Kaffka, Adriano Pires e João Flesch Fortes
Montagem: Sandra Kaffka e João Flesch Fortes
Design de som: Daniel Gazana [1]
Fabricação digital dos módulos expositivos: Vinicius Juliani Pereira, Porto FabLab.
[1]. As texturas de som são baseadas em arquivo com uma licença Creative Commons completa. Disponível em: http://soundcloud.com/ e https://freesound.org/people/reklamacja/sounds/97675/. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2019.
Criação: Sandra Kaffka
Consultoria em tecnologia: Gabriel Kaffka e João Flesch Fortes
Programação: Gabriel Kaffka, Adriano Pires e João Flesch Fortes
Montagem: Sandra Kaffka e João Flesch Fortes
Design de som: Daniel Gazana [1]
Fabricação digital dos módulos expositivos: Vinicius Juliani Pereira, Porto FabLab.
[1]. As texturas de som são baseadas em arquivo com uma licença Creative Commons completa. Disponível em: http://soundcloud.com/ e https://freesound.org/people/reklamacja/sounds/97675/. Acesso em: 21 jun. 2019.
LIGHT• Exhibition [Space 1338, São Paulo/SP - 2019]
Creatures | Sandra Kaffka
Freely inspired by marine bioluminescent organisms, the luminous objects in this artistic installation were hand-modeled with a 3D digital pen and PLA biodegradable filament. Displayed on modular supports that refer to the bathymetry of the oceans or hanging in space, the animal-objects resemble strange creatures. With organic forms they seem to react to the spectator, by displaying luminous and sound responses that generate different atmospheres that simulate dialogues between body/gesture-work. The inclusive and intuitive experience is possible with a cognitive interface that, without showing rules, invites you to dive into an environment that is transformed by light, sounds and, above all, by public participation.
Works presented by the artist:"Criaturas" and "Bailarina" are responsive works created with rgb LED sources and sensors specialized in gestures."Bicho" is a static work whose light source is an electroluminescent wire (EL).
Artists: Sandra Kaffka, Fernando Tucunduva and Bruno Gallerani.
Curated: Maurício DePaula
Creation: Sandra Kaffka
Technology consultancy: Gabriel Kaffka and João Flesch Fortes
Programming: Gabriel Kaffka, Adriano Pires and João Flesch Fortes
Editing: Sandra Kaffka and João Flesch Fortes
Sound design: Daniel Gazana [1]
Digital fabrication of the exhibition modules: Vinicius Juliani Pereira, Porto FabLab.
Creatures | Sandra Kaffka
Freely inspired by marine bioluminescent organisms, the luminous objects in this artistic installation were hand-modeled with a 3D digital pen and PLA biodegradable filament. Displayed on modular supports that refer to the bathymetry of the oceans or hanging in space, the animal-objects resemble strange creatures. With organic forms they seem to react to the spectator, by displaying luminous and sound responses that generate different atmospheres that simulate dialogues between body/gesture-work. The inclusive and intuitive experience is possible with a cognitive interface that, without showing rules, invites you to dive into an environment that is transformed by light, sounds and, above all, by public participation.
Works presented by the artist:"Criaturas" and "Bailarina" are responsive works created with rgb LED sources and sensors specialized in gestures."Bicho" is a static work whose light source is an electroluminescent wire (EL).
Artists: Sandra Kaffka, Fernando Tucunduva and Bruno Gallerani.
Curated: Maurício DePaula
Creation: Sandra Kaffka
Technology consultancy: Gabriel Kaffka and João Flesch Fortes
Programming: Gabriel Kaffka, Adriano Pires and João Flesch Fortes
Editing: Sandra Kaffka and João Flesch Fortes
Sound design: Daniel Gazana [1]
Digital fabrication of the exhibition modules: Vinicius Juliani Pereira, Porto FabLab.
[1]. Sound textures are file-based with a full Creative Commons license. Available at: http://soundcloud.com/ and https://freesound.org/people/reklamacja/sounds/97675/. Accessed on: 21 jun. 2019